1. What is the GED Test and how do I get my GED?
The GED Test is a high school completion option. If you are under 18 years old, you will need to contact your base high school about options to take the GED test.
There are 4 sections to the GED test: Reasoning through Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Math. Each section is scored separately and can be taken separately.
A passing score on the GED is 145 for each section.
You can register to take the GED on the website . This site requires that you make a free account, pick a location to take a test, sign up for a date/time to take that test subject, and pay for the test by debit/credit card (cost is $36 per section).
Our program provides preparation classes for individuals that want to study to take their GED tests.
2. How do I get a transcript/copy of my GED?
Unfortunately, our office does not have copies of GED transcripts or credentials.
To get a copy of your GED test scores you can request a copy of your transcript from . Please click on “Grads and Transcripts” and follow the instructions to order a copy of your transcript.
3. How do I register for classes?
We hold registration sessions at the beginning of each semester (August and January). Contact our office for more information regarding registration dates.
4. How much do classes cost?
Our classes cost $75 each semester. Students must bring $75 in cash or credit card to registration in order to sign up.
Scholarships are available for ESOL and Head Start/Virginia Preschool Initiative parents/guardians with verified enrollment of child.
5. How long are the classes?
We run 2 semester of classes which run from September through mid- December and February through mid-May.